There are certain products that are restricted or dangerous materials, either by the American customs or the local customs of your country. These require handling and special documentation for export.

The handling of these products varies by country. Please contact us BEFORE buying products within this category. You can write us here or call us at +1 786 515 5667. For immediate reference, you can write us on Facebook.

For your delivery's safety, this items are strictly prohibited.

  • Perishables
  • Tobacco and weapons
  • Food and drinks
  • Live animals
  • Spray products or products that damage the ozone layer
  • Seeds – plants – wood
  • Explosives and ammunition
  • Toxic substances
  • Precursors and chemical substances
  • Furs and products of animal origin
  • Medicines, drugs and narcotics
  • Any item with alcohol as the first ingredient
  • Cleaning solutions
  • Fireworks and gunpowder
  • Gas, tear gas and pepper gas
  • Lighters and / or matches
  • Batteries that contain chemical products
  • Poisons
  • Pressurized containers
  • Gas-based tools